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Top 5 Health Issues Associated With Not Cleaning Your Carpets

Damp carpets increased the incidences of asthma in an environment where people were constantly exposed to the carpet. Organisms known as volatile organic compounds and microbial growth were found able to flourish in an unclean, damp carpet, and the results were increased cases of bronchial asthma, one of the deepest forms of the disease.

Carpeting is designed to hide dirt. Once you can see it on top the damage already started. Steam cleaning rinses all that out. If you wait to long dirt will crack the fibers, and embed in the fiber,and cannot be removed. That is called greying or shading. It is visible on your traffic lanes first.

Your carpet also acts as a filter, filtering the air in the room and removing allergens, pollens and other pollutants from the air. Your carpet protects you and your family by holding those pollutants in. However you do need to deep clean your carpet approximately once a year to remove the dust and other foreign bodies that are blocking it's filtration properties.

YOUR CARPETS CAN LAST UP TO 4 TIMES LONGER - Just by having them deep cleaned regularly that means that a carpet with a life expectancy of 5 years can last for up to 20 years and that is a fact.

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